AQUAREHAB is working with a number of End-users and stakeholders to develop its research agenda and to ensure that the results are relevant for their needs. Below is a list of the End-Users involved in AQUAREHAB, including a summary of the organisation's work and the contact person for AQUAREHAB:
OVAM (Openbare Afvalstoffenmaatschappij voor het Vlaams Gewest - the Public Waste Agency of Flanders) is responsible for cleaning up soil and groundwater contamination in Flanders and is well positioned to steer aspects of the research into rehabilitation technology, large scale contamination and operational issues. OVAM is particularly interested in the rehabilitation approaches and management tools being developed and implemented by AQUAREHAB for the Scheldt River Basin (Work Packages 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7).
Contact person for AQUAREHAB: Ellen Luyten

VMM is responsible for establishing the water emissions register; monitoring the quality of surface water, sediments and wastewater, as well as monitoring the bacteriological quality of bathing water, both for coastal and inland waters; and, monitoring the quality and quantity of ground water. It is involved in developing policy instruments and elaborating measures to prevent and limit the pollution of water systems and is the chair and secretariat of the Flemish Coordination Commission for Integrated Water Policy. VMM is responsible for drafting investment programmes for waste water treatment (i.e. regional waste water collectors and treatment plants) and developing investment programmes for the construction or improvement of municipal sewer systems, as well as small-scale treatment plants, and preparation of municipal subsidy programmes. Other issues include: ecological and economic supervision of waste water treatment; advising on the granting of environmental permits and on the water test (urban planning); levying taxes on industrial water pollution and groundwater abstraction; supervising the ecological aspects of water intended for human consumption; managing unnavigable waterways of first category in Flanders: safety measures (flood prevention), measures to maintain and improve the ecological quality of waterways (investments, rodent control), on-line flood forecasting system.
Contactperson for Aquarehab: Dr. Peeters, Bob
Institute: Flemish Environment Agency (Vlaamse Milieu Maatschappij, VMM)
Address:Expertise: general expertise regarding Scheldt case, MIRA report (annual environment and nature report)
Nationality: BE
Role in Aquarehab: contact person for VMM related to RBM Scheldt river

ACA (Agencia Catalana de l’Aigua – the Catalan Water Agency) is the official body in the region of Catalonia in charge of water policies and the implementation of the Water Framework Directive. The Catalan Water Agency is in particular interested in being involved in one of the case studies to extrapolate the rehabilitation approaches and management tools developed by AQUAREHAB (Work Package 8).
Contactperson for Aquarehab: Lorenzo Galbiati

DNA (Danish Nature Agency) is an organisation under the Danish Ministry of Environment. The Nature Agency produces the government’s policies concerning nature and environment. The Nature Agency aims to secure clean water, protecting and securing nature, planning for cities and landscape, outdoor activities and information to the public about nature, forestry and land management of the state forests, gaming and wildlife management. The DNA particularly interested in the rehabilitation approaches and management tools being developed and implemented by AQUAREHAB for the Odense River Basin (Work Packages 1, 6 and 7).
Contact persons for AQUAREHAB: Annita Svendsen, Annette Strøm Jacobsen, Mogens Krog.
