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  • Integrated risk assessment-based management of the water/sediment/soil system ot the river-basin scale FP6 Coordinated Action

  • Multibarrier technology is a system for groundwater remediation. It is an in situ system, in which a filtrating trench is made perpendicular to the groundwater flow. This trench is filled with a coarse material of variable composition depending on the character of the pollution, and induced to treat the pollutants in the passing groundwater.

  • MINOTAURUS is FP7 collaborative project (KBBE 2010) that aims to improve the effectiveness of depollution and water treatment technologies through precise and reliable biotechnological processes.

  • UPSOIL is a FP7 collaborative project (ENV 2009) that develops robust technologies for fast, cost-effective, integrated source zone and plume treatment.

  • Nanorem is a FP7 collaborative project (NMP 2012) that takes a holistic approach to examine how the potential for nanoremediation can be developed and applied in practice.

  • Waterdiss is a FP7 Coordination and support action (ENV 2010) that aims to find solutions for better water management within the research available and speed-up its transfer and diffusion to knowledge users.